Wednesday, October 31, 2007

On My Way Back with Aging Parents

I have been away forever and ever it feels like it.

I know this topic is near and dear to many people. I have to start somewhere when life feels like it's rough.

Aging parents. Yes, a subject we all do NOT want to face but it's there. My life has been on a nose dive this past year. I do NOT drink alcohol,never have nor do I have any plans to start but boy oh boy if I did, I think I would be a professional alcoholic with everything going on in my life these days.

I have a father that is in his 70's that went through major, major open heart surgery this past April, almost died but thankfully still here to talk about it. It does not help with a sibling located in California, a brother that is some where off in left field or perhaps resides on Mars. So everything is left on my shoulders along with raising two children on my own.

So just when I think one parent is on the road to recovery, BOOM, my Mother who is a post polio victim is now ill with her health. My Mom had polio when she just turned 16 that almost killed her. She was in a coma for 6 months, iron lung and more. Now that she just celebrated her 70Th birthday this past month, her health is going on a tail spin.

Apparently, her post polio syndrome has caused to have severe lung problems, a enlarged heart and more. Needless to say, it is all left on my shoulders. Sibling in California is still there and I believe my brother has jumped planets and resides on Pluto!!!

It's scary that as my parents hit 70 there health did a turn for the worse. Come on, 70 is NOT old these days.

Through all of this I am still trying to grow my business, take care of the kids, homeschool and be the driver for two aging parents, and everyone else.

I finally took time for Me today and had my hair highlighted. Through all of this I felt guilty taking time for me.

November brings the holidays in full motion. Months I wish I could skip; like Thanksgiving, my birthday, and on to Christmas.

I know I have to be strong and not give up.

Santa if you are checking blogs these days...I am NOT asking for much but please put back on the map to success.

I look forward to getting back and thank you for NOT giving up on me.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Melissa, welcome to the deep end of the pool no one wants to swim in. It's pretty scary becoming a member of Gen Sandwich. I'm sorry it's your turn. I have been here for a couple of years, and for the past year+ have written about Gen Sandwiching and offering ideas at Sometimes I Feel Like a Piece of Bologna ( Drop by when you have a chance and say hi. Blessings.