Hollywood Stars and Athlete Health Secrets
I don't normally get involved in these type of things, but because of this product's certification, money back guarantee, AND my own personal battle with a career ending back injury that doctors nor any other product could heal. As incredible as it may sound GHP Sport healed my injury. I'm stronger ,more flexible and determined. I had to look into it and I am now passing along the opportunity to you.
So here it is… if you're interested in the opportunity or simply using the product, please contact me. If you knew for sure that you could do it, would you be willing to make a personal goal to EARN and extra $5K, $10K, $15K, $20K PER MONTH within the next 12-18 months? Would you at least be willing to look at the opportunity? I truly believe that there is $15-30K PER MONTH in this for both of us in the next 12-18 months. Why? It is already being done by distributors in our company and has been done by similar companies in the past. The path has already been blazed!
You've heard the news about Growth Hormone and how athletes are banned from using it because WADA feels it causes an unfair competitive advantage? Well this opportunity offers an 100% All Natural, safe alternative that is 100% Guaranteed AND…it's already Certified under WADA guidelines by NSF International for Pro Athletes' use. gHP Sport is going to take the professional athlete market by storm and what the pro's use, the public wants! You have the opportunity to be on the ground floor of this lucrative opportunity. Fred Funk (PGA & Champions Tour) is one of our product endorsers and he says, "gHP Sport has helped me maintain the youthful energy and stamina levels that I need to complete my workouts and play golf on both tours.
Rapid recovery time is so important to maintain the level of physical performance needed for so many days of competition without rest, and gHP Sport has significantly reduced that recovery time." Jim McMahon (ex-Chi. Bear) says, "I was pleasantly surprised how well I felt in such a short period of time. As a professional athlete my days usually began slowly sore, and sometimes in pain. Now, I have less pain in my shoulder, and within a few weeks, I have been able to resume my old workout regimen. I've definitely noticed and increase in my energy level and my overall stamina…I have finally found a product that really works!" gHP Sport, is a specific combination, or "stack", of pure free-form crystalline amino acids that, taken orally, allows the pituitary gland to produce agents that assist in cell regeneration and repair safely and naturally. gHP Sport™ is an athletic performance enhancement product that not only holds International Patents but it is the only product of its kind that has received the coveted NSF Certified for Sport™ certification. This certification confirms that gHP Sport has met the following criteria: 1. Protection against adulteration of product.
2. Verification of label claims with product content.
3. No banned athletic substances included. Notable benefits of this product include: · Increased stamina · Increased muscle mass · Increased energy · Recharge in sexual desire and performance · Decreased recovery time · Decreased body fat · Restoration of deep and restful sleep · Strengthened immune system · Acceleration in hair growth and possible reduction of gray · Diminished or eliminated cellulite If you think you can set a goal to realistically put an extra $5 - 20K PER MONTH - in your pocket. This product will sell itself because it's: · 100% Natural · The Only Patented Product of its Kind · NSF Certified for Sport™- which means MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, PGA, and all types of athletes can use this product with confidence. ·
100% Guaranteed under a 90-Day Empty Bottle, Money Back Guarantee. Check out my website at http://www.healthtourage.com/Also listen to our execs talk about gHP Sport at www.learnaboutghp.com To learn more or to try the product for yourself with our 90 Day Money Back Guarantee! Notable Golfers who take GHP Sport include: Fred Funk, Vijay Singh, Jerry Kelley, Kevin Johnson, Tom Carter, Hiroshi Matsuo, and top instructor Chuck Cook. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays have been using the product all season and the NHL's San Jose Sharks just got on board. Think of all the 30+ year old men & women you know. Whether they're active or wish to be again - They will want and need this product!! Please contact me with any questions or if you're interested in joining our team or at least just trying the product for your own health.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best Regards, Melissa MorrisProfessional Marketing to AthletesGHP Sport http://www.healthtourage.com/
Hi Mellisa,
My name is Willie and I too am a believer of GHP Sport. I have been on the product for approximately 1 year now and absolutely love it. I am a firefighter and have had 2 major neck surgeries. If it wasn't for GHP Sport I would not be able to do what I do.
Feel free to to call or skype me anytime. It would be a pleasure to talk to you.
Willie Plasencia
skype ID Profit To Success
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