Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Post Trauma Syndrome - Series

I have decided to take on the topic of:

Post Trauma Syndrome

Not too many people know of this topic unless you are most unfortunately a victim and experience this most difficult area.

I will be writing over the next few weeks about this topic for I have gone through and have fought back to over come such an area that will most likely haunt me for the rest of my life.

According to the American Psychiatric Association (1994), post traumatic stress disorder develops after someone is exposed to an extremely traumatic event and they reacted to the event with intense fear, horror or helplessness.

Such traumatic events include:
child sexual or physical assault
physical assault
being kidnapped
a natural disaster (e.g. a bushfire, flood or cyclone)
a major car accident
being diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness e.g. cancer
finding the body of someone who has committed suicide or been murdered

The Intrusive Symptoms include:

Distressing thoughts or images
Nightmares about the event
Feeling or acting as if the traumatic event were recurring
intense psychological distress when exposed to something that triggers memories of the traumatic event.
Physical symptoms such as sweating, muscle tension and rapid heartbeat when exposed to things that trigger memories of the traumatic event.

The Avoidance Symptoms include:

Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the trauma, as well as any feelings associated with the trauma. PTSD sufferers may resort to alcohol or illicit drugs to block out unwanted memories & feelings. According to the Australian Centre for Post Traumatic Mental Health (1999), approximately 50% of men and 25% of women with chronic PTSD have drug and alcohol issues
Avoiding people, places and activities that trigger memories of the traumatic event.
not remembering an important part of the traumatic event
Losing interest in, and enjoyment of e.g. leisure activities, study, work or stop participating in such activities altogether.

Feeling detached from other people
Being unable to feel joy or have loving feelings
Not be able to see a future for themselves, they don't expect to get married, have a family , live a long time

The Physical Arousal Symptoms include:

Sleep disturbance
irritability or anger
impaired concentration
being always on the alert for signs of dangerThe PTSD sufferer may be constantly scanning their surroundings for possible threats, e.g. someone who has been in a major car accident may become a back seat driver. Someone who has been physically assaulted may always sit with their back to a wall so noone can sneak up behind them
being easily startled THE PTSD sufferer may overreact to something such as a noise. E.g. a war veteran may be shaken if they hear a car backfire because of their past experience of being threatened by gun fire).

I have a lot to say in this area so if anyone would like to contribute an experience please feel free to contact me at: CowMooNications@aol.com

Until Next Time.
Health and Success to all

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